Amendment No. 2 for Contract Identification No. SRCTIP-DOR-CS-NNM-QCBS-1

२०७८ आषाढ १५

Name of Consulting Services:- Consulting Service for Construction Supervision of Improvement/Widening of Nagdhunga - Naubise - Mugling Road and Bridges

Contract Identification No. SRCTIP-DOR-CS-NNM-QCBS-1

As per the provision of Instruction to Consultants ITC 13: Clarification and Amendments of RFP, Amendment No.-2 has been issued as per following:

Amendment On

Amended As

The provision in Section 2. Instructions to Consultants – E. Data Sheet

ITC Reference  17.7 and 17.9:

The Proposals must be submitted no later than: Date: July 8, 2021 Time: 12:00 hours (Local Time)






The Proposals must be submitted no later than: Date: July 15, 2021 Time: 12:00 hours (Local Time)

डाउनलोड गर्नुहोस्